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Craft based / Technology based

This series of posters is based on the text "Some Things Change, Some Things Stay the Same" by Chris Pullman. In it, the author mentions some changes happening during the late 1990s, when the text was written. We students were asked to choose one of the changes and design a poster about it. This is the excerpt I chose:

"Once the profession was genetically linked to the ancient crafts of hand typesetting, book binding, drawing and cutting. Now it no longer is so physical, mediated by technology that can make it feel almost virtual. The basic tools are suddenly so different that, as McLuhan predicted, the things we can make, or even dream up, will be different."

Intending to represent that duality in my poster, I started with an image of William Morris' Acanthus wallpaper, representative of the Arts and Crafts movement and I transformed it using one of the processes of glitch art. By opening the image in a text editor program and changing its code, I got surprising results that perfectly represent the change in the profession that Chris Pullman mentions in his text. I liked the results so much that I ended up doing a full series of posters. Note: none of these effects were done in Photoshop, it was all achieved by changing and corrupting the image code.
April 2014
University Project